23 October, 2020

Light at the End of the Tunnel

In this five-minute video, Counsel’s Chief Investment Strategist, Rana Chauhan examines the catalysts impacting economic recovery and resiliency that the world has shown during the COVID-19 crisis....

25 June, 2020

A Long, Slow Economic Recovery: The Good, Bad and Ugly

There is an oft-used expression in our industry that markets go down the elevator and up the stairs. However, this year, one of the sharpest and swiftest market declines in history has been followed by one of the swiftest and sharpest climbs. This is...

17 June, 2020

The Davies Moffat Team shares some insight to help put the recent market volatility in context

We hope that you and your families are managing during these challenging times. To help put the recent market volatility in context, we have recorded a brief message for you. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to any member...

29 May, 2020

“Pedigree” is for Racing Pigeons, not Investment Managers

Last week, we discussed two elements of due diligence: the importance of going beyond narratives and numbers, and that fund names rarely describe what a fund truly does. This week, we’ll expand this conversation a little further and I’ll highlight a few...

21 May, 2020

The Narratives and Illusions of Investment Management

Over my next few letters, I’ll take you through examples of what to look out for and give you a sense of the types of questions to consider when evaluating potential funds.This week, we look at two themes: Stories and Numbers; and What’s in a Name. After...

08 May, 2020

FOMO: An Affliction Among 11-Year-Old Boys and Investors Alike

Our CIO, Corrado Tiralongo shares how falling prey to the social concept ‘FOMO’ can hurt long term investment outcomes - Can we trust historical investment performance exclusively, when evaluating a fund? Last week, my 11-year-old son, Leo, presented...

02 May, 2020

The Cost of Chasing Investment Performance

Comparison is the thief of joy. Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States I don't know the context of Mr. Roosevelt’s comment, but this quote has been one of my favorites because of its elegance in addressing some things that affect all...

27 April, 2020 Financial Planning

Money Dates 2020

This infographic highlights important deadlines, such as income tax returns and CPP and OAS benefit payment dates. Helping you to keep track of these critical dates....

23 April, 2020 Retirement

Lower 2020 RRIF Withdrawals Give New Flexibility to Retirees

As part of its Economic Response Plan to the COVID-19 crisis, the federal government lowered the required minimum withdrawals from Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs) and Life Income Funds (LIFs) by 25% for 2020....

23 April, 2020

Investing in Volatile Markets: Be Comfortable With the Uncomfortable

Risk is an abstract thing, It’s defined as the possibility of something bad happening. Risk involves uncertainty about the effects and implications of an activity, especially when it concerns something we value (such as health, well-being, wealth, property...